Westward Ho!
Rick and I just returned from a fun filled progressive weekend at Camp Wellstone in Rochester, MN. Though there wasn’t much to take pictures of in “Roch”, Rick and I were able to spot some interesting things.

The moment we arrived to our room in the EconoLodge South, Rick became very interested in what Rochester has to offer and decided to pick up Rochester Magazine and discover everything cool they had to offer!

A giant Corn on the Cob that can be seen from various parts of Rochester. It may look like a water tower, but after close examination it is not.

I notice this on the way to the University Center, it’s what I call the world’s largest electric scooter used for a very big elderly person.

Early Sunday morning I was up on the computer while Rick was chillin watching TV when we noticed three large bugs on the wall of our EconoLodge room. So note to my readers: try to avoid the EconoLodge in Rochester, MN!

An artist conception of the unidentified hotel room bug.

Camp Wellstone was a fun experience where I learned some very useful things that I will most definitely use in the near future. If anyone is interested in campaigns or politics I would recommend trying to catch a camp near you, best way to find out about camps is by signing up on the Wellstone Action email list at www.wellstone.org
On June 30 at approximately 6 pm Red State Penetration Mission 2005 will commence. I will travel 541.57 miles to Dickinson, ND from Woodbury, MN; a place that is in deep in Red State territory. I will document my 8 hour and 5 minute journey on my laptop with pictures and various written entries and try to update SFP & FM from the Dickinson Public Library, which is the only free wireless internet available in Dickinson. Coming off a progressive filled weekend at Camp Wellstone, I am ready to penetrate North Dakota with full force and good aim!
Since parts of North Dakota are not up to date on technology like they are here in Minnesota, I will have to adapt some essential equipment in order to survive and blend in.

North Dakota does not believe in the invention of the automobile, I will have to get around by covered wagon. Good thing for Oregon Trail, or else I would be screwed. This is Abe and I near Jamestown where some random people decided to walk with us.

The cell phone has not made it out to North Dakota yet so I have to rely on my Morse Phone made by Motorola with service provided by T-Mobile. I'm a bit rusty on my Morse code but I think I should communicate fine. Here is something that I have already learned for ND: .... . .-.. .--. / -- . / -. --- .--

Let the mission begin! You will (hopefully) hear from me in Dickinson!
Bushism: "We're spending money on clean coal technology. Do you realize we've got 250 million years of coal?" -Washington, D.C., June 8, 2005
Link of the Day: NEWSBREAKERS is a website of a media watchdog group with a mission to disrupt live news broadcasts across the country. Check out some of the things they did, hilarious stuff.