Crazy Winonan of the Month Award- February

Crazy Ice Cream Man , notice the foreign students on the corner, they agree that this person is indeed, crazy.

I have created the Crazy Winonan of the Month Award, in order to shed light on crazyness that exists here in the city of Winona. This month I'd like to congratulate this Ice Cream Bike Man. While sitting outside of the Blue Heron coffee house, a couple of my friends and I spotted this man biking down Huff street. At the time it was only 50 degress out, and of course we all know what that means, ice cream! As this man was biking there was also music playing and animal noises that were coming from the ice cream bike. He was wearing a Sponge Bob shirt and sold to one person, who happens to the Crazy Winonan of the Month runner up for February. So congratulations Crazy Ice Cream Man, you deserve it, now can I get a dilly bar?
Today's Exciting But Mundane Activity Jared Did: Sort laundry. I feel a sense of calm while doing laundry. I think its the vapors from the detergent.
Bushism: "Oftentimes, we live in a processed world-you know, people focus on the process and not results." - Washington, DC; May 29, 2003
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