The New Rat Pack

Oh Sammy! I know, that was a good one!

I am helping out Rick with his new Senate campaign and I made this picture for a flyer that will go around campus. On the flyer itself Dean Martin is where my head is, but I just had to make this version. You can check out Rick's Senate campaign blog here:
Today is Assessment Day, which means I can sleep in. Assessment Day is where classes are canceled and you're suposed to go to an orientation class for a little bit and learn how to take a survey. I'm already fluent in the survey taking arts so I'm just skipping the whole class attending step of the process. Happy Assessment Day!
Today's Exciting But Mundane Activity Jared Did: Got my chin rubbed by Liz who just saw my beard-less chin for the first time. Maybe I should re-think the whole all out beard idea.....
Bushims: "One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected." -Los Angeles; September 27, 2000
Link of the Day: You can purchase the world's largest working bear trap on ebay! It's the size of a small child.
Reading on Hygrometer for Humidor: 71%
Thank you Steve for showing me the blog about Nepal. I'll show it to Bishwas soon. It'll be an interesting read knowin the current political situation that has developed over the past 2 and a half weeks.
LIAR! You lie Jared! Assessment day was not about surveys! We got a chance to complain about the New University, so that was cool! Most groups I think just answered basic survey questions like 10, but all our group did was talk about how none of us wanted the New University, it was pretty cool! Haha, you missed out! :)
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