The Price Is Right!

Jared on Price Is Right, this could happen one day! (click on picture for larger size)

The best show ever in the history of television since its conception has to be without a doubt The Price Is Right with Bob Barker. If you disagree, I suggest that you stop being a complete bone head and accept the fact that this show rocks. In fact, I think that this show is listed in the dictionary under the definition of television. Take a look below at the definition I pulled from the dictionary. (tel'e-vizh'en) n. 1. The Price is Right with Bob Barker, best show ever.
I have been watching this show since I have had a functioning memory. The picture above is what it will look like when some day I go on the show and win big.
Today's Exciting But Mundane Activity Jared Did: Taking my sweet ass time putting on my jacket, scarf and hat during the fire alram. Then grabbing my camera and shuting off the lights and locking my door to go outside.
Bushism: "Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history- revisionist historians is what I like to call them." - Elizabeth, New Jersey; June 6, 2003
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