The Snickers Disappointment
The following email was sent to the Mars Company, maker of the Snickers bar, on Friday night:
-----Original Message-----
From: Stene, Jared P
Sent: Fri 10/13/06 10:41 PM
Dear Mars Company-
I regretfully write this email to you this evening, because I went to enjoy a fun size bag of Snickers, and unfortunately I opened this great caramel and peanut joy in a bag only to be greeted with an empty wrapper of fun size Snickers. I feel hurt and betrayed by the Mars Company. I expected prancing nougat in a fun size but was greeted with emptiness. I hope you find my photographic evidence attached to this email as sufficient evidence to my claim. As a loyal Snickers eater for the past 21 years, I believe in the Snickers brand and their peanut goodness. But now, to be given empty wrappers when opening a fun size bag of your product I am a little flabbergasted that the Mars Company would betray me. As you can tell by the signature of my email, I serve on student government at Winona State, and I advocate for Snickers and the Mars Company on campus but after this incident I think twice about my loyalty to this company. I hope Mars Company can fix this situation and prevent other loyal Snickers fans the same despair and betrayal that I have experienced this evening. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Jared Stene
Student Services Chair
MSUSA GOTV Facilitator
WSU Student Senate
Senate office:

I hope Mars will get back to me in a timely matter, my contact information and address was included in the email but I removed them because I am anti-stalkers.
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