The Sport of Jowling
Last week I was introduced to the sport of jowling by Brandon. It's a fun sport to play when you're bored, stressed, or when hanging out with friends. Jowling consists of someone shaking their head as fast as they can and then someone else taking a picture of your head, so it's a two player game, something hard to do for you anti-social types. Well take a look at some of the attempts of jowling over the past few days:

Jared's first attempt at jowling

Brandon's shot at jowling, there is room for improvement but I think we'll get it soon.

Bishwas jowling, not bad.

Jared's second attempt at jowling, a little bit better than the first one.

Josh's attempt at jowling, picture turned out fuzzy but definitely rocking the funky hair.

Jared's recent attempt at jowling, it got too intense for the glasses.

If you'd like to see more jowling you can visit the official jowlers website at Want to learn to jowl on your own?! Follow these steps:
1. Relax all of your face muscles and try to keep your eyes and mouth open while you are shaking your head.
2. Shake your head as fast as you can back and forth.
3. Have someone else take a picture with a flash of your head shaking.
4. Admire you jowling efforts with a hopefully crazy looking picture.
WARNING: Jowling causes head aches, dizziness and if done too many times you can faint. Please do not over attempt your jowling. I develop a slight head ache personally when I am done jowling.
Send me your jowling pictures! If you think your efforts are awesome, send the pictures my way and they'll be posted up on here. You can also do what I did and post them on
Bushism: "It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way." —Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005
Link of the Day: Sound Great for prank calling, and boredom.
I want to become a pro jowler like you!!!
p.s. I deleted my Dunnmoney name because I never used it anymore so I will just be commenting under my real name.
p.p.s. ps is for girls
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