Diddy Returns!

My friend P. Diddy says "Vote or Die!"

As he reminded us during Rick Howden's campaign, P. Diddy reminds all WSU Students to "Vote or Die!" this week. Especially if you are a current freshman at WSU and reading this now, please vote for Jared Stene in the Sophomore Senator race. Polls open today, Tuesday, at Noon and close this Friday at Noon. Take the time right now to vote by going to www.winona.edu/studentsenate/elections
Make sure to vote now! Starting today my campaign team and I will be going door to door in the dorms in what has been officially dubbed as the "Jared for Senate Rock N' Friggin Roll Tour." Tour dates will be as followed:
Tuesday- Sheehan Hall 530-8 pm
Wednesday- Prentiss-Lucas Hall (Lead singer Jared will be replaced by Josh Wennes), and remainder of Sheehan Hall 6-8pm
Thursday- Lourdes Residential College on West Campus 6-8 pm
Rock n' friggin roll man and as always Full STENE Ahead!
Stick Figure Pirates & Flying Monkeys officially endorses the following candidates in the WSU Student Senate Spring 2005 Election:
Ryan Flynn for President
Erin Feger for Vice-President
Laura Berens for Treasurer
and of course, Jared Stene for sophomore senator.
Also let it be noted that Walker Texas Ranger star Chuck Norris will receive one write in vote in some type of race this election. I'll be sure to show evidence of this when the results have been announced. Vote for Chuck or Else You'll Be Chopped!
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