RSPM 2005 Update

After traveling about 10 hours and 8 minutes I have finally arrived in Dickinson a town deep inside the very red state of North Dakota. To my disappointment, the Dickinson Public Library DID NOT have free wireless as according to several Wi-Fi websites. But I infiltrated the Dickinson State University's library and now using the internet through them. Though I will not have time to post my mission journal with random thoughts and experiences through out the trip, I will however show you a couple of pictures that I snapped along the way.

A magazine rack in a Bismarck, ND gas station. Apparently porn is a top seller, nevermind those other news magazines for they don't have cool pictures.

A new urban development in Dickinson, ND.
When I arrived here I started to read the local newspaper The Dickinson Press. I turned to the opinion section and started reading one of the letters to the editor. Apparently Dickinson is a hot bed for vicious public opinion, here's one of the two letters I read:
7-1-05 letter -- Young boy would like his bike returned
Friday, July 01, 2005
To the editor:
Trae is a little guy for his age, but he likes to be able to do what the big guys and girls do  ride his bike with training wheels; try to roller blade. His sister and brother take the lead, he follows.
His little heart was broken the other night when he ran home to go to the bathroom and went back to the skate park, only to find his training wheels and the rest of the 20-inch bike gone. Trae is only 6 and wants to have his bike returned so he can ride again.
Please return it to the Dickinson Police Department, no questions asked.
Mrs. Jerry Gullickson
After seeing this letter I've decided that I too shall write a letter to The Dickinson Press. I feel that I have a very good chance to get something published before I go. So that is one of my goals so far of Red State Penetration Mission 2005. Now if I will be able to come back tomorrow and give an update I am not sure, but I will certainly try my best to escape here to take advantage of the internet.
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