No Women! (A Weekend in Pictures)
No, I'm not anti-woman but I encountered someone who was during the adventurous weekend. Check it out yo!

The Hockey Monkey at the Guster Concert

The opening act for the Guster concert on Friday night was a band called The Zamboni's. They are a hockey oriented band that writes and play songs only about hockey while performing in hockey gear and jerseys. After standing in line for the front row area for about an hour and a half to be welcomed by The Zamboni's was nothing but a huge disappointment that at the time pissed me off. But in retrospect of the concert, they were kind of funny. What other bands can say they have The Hockey Monkey?
After The Zamboni's played, we've decided that we needed to get out of the front row area after being invaded by a cranky sea of 16 year old estrogen. Brandon at one point was poked in the ass by one of those high school girls who attempted to move him away from her in order to see the stage. The outer area of the gym was cooler because you can see all of the drunks playing around and random spurts of marijuana smoke billowing from the masses. Carbon Leaf was a good band, then after them Guster finally performed.


When the concert was done I found a Chris Roos roaming the streets of Winona. I took the kid to ZaZa's for a late night meal. After eating, Chris felt like pretending to be a police officer and stopped the oncoming traffic that was about 4 blocks away in either direction just to make sure I crossed safely. Thank you Officer Chris!

Officer Chris playing traffic police

On Saturday the court yard of campus was invaded by the city wide Earth Day Celebration. I stopped by to check it out and came across Rick working at the Winona County DFL booth. DFL is the term for Democrats in Minnesota, it stands for Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. There's no difference between Democrats and a DFLer, the name is just tradition. The DFLers had a miniature donkey on hand just hanging out. So as next year's Vice President of College Democrats, I took my picture with it for next year.

Democrat donkey!

Saturday evening I went bowling with Ken, Ashley, Pete, Cassie and many others whose names I can not remember. While bowling a bunch of extremely intoxicated people emerged from the bar to dance in the bowling alley part of the building to start dancing to a 50 Cent song. Ken decided that they looked like they were having a lot of fun and decided to join them.

Ken bustin a move with the drunks at the bowling ally.

When we were done bowling, Pete took us out to Perkins where we encountered another drunk individual as we were leaving the restaurant. The man walked in holding a beer, and saw my anti-W button (can be seen in the picture of me and the donkey). After shaking my hand the man was very please to see my button. First thinking he is a fellow anti- George W. Bush fan he drunkard then said "Dude, you rock, anti-women man!" I considered his current physical condition and decided not to correct him for he might become irate and attempt to fight me, so I replied "Yeah, right on." Then he looked around and noticed the females in my group and said "No offense to the women though, but anti-woman man! That's awesome!" The drunkard was later asked to get rid of his beer because alcoholic beverages are not allowed in Perkins, the man then chugged the rest of his beer in front of the waitress.
Sunday seemed like a good day to practice some golfing around campus. I might go more into that one in future entries.

Sunday putting on campus.

While at Perkins on Saturday night a brilliant idea entered my cranium, I should create a children's television character! So I came up with "Lucky the Cigarette Smoking Lizard." Lucky will be featured on the new children's show on PBS called "Lucky's Funky Colored Smoking Jacket sponsored by Philip Morris Company." The show will have Lucky teaching kids the horrors and dangers to your health caused by smoking as well as basic numbers, all while Lucky himself chain smokes and casually drinks heavy liquor through out the show. Now the true ultimate but yet subliminal mission of the show is to teach kids the concepts of irony and contradiction, as well as to think critically of your elders and to not trust large corporations. Blue's Clues watch out, there's a new children's TV star in town and he'll buy cigs for underage kids as well.

Lucky the Cigarette Smoking Lizard

That was my weekend in pictures. A lot of stuff happened, a lot of great ideas were developed as well as special operations going down too. Now back to the harsh reality of Monday. Happy Monday everyone!
Bushism: "I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese-that meant that they weren't very effective." -Washington DC; February 22, 2001
Link of the Day: Miracle of Modern Medicine. Thank you Pat Dunlay for this one!
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