After sending a second letter last week, the City of Lake City has finally responded to my proposal that I first sent them about 4 weeks ago. Click here to read the letter I sent. To sum up to those of you who haven't been up to date with my great idea, basically Lake City claims that they are the "Birthplace of Waterskiing" but each time I pass through the place no one seems to be water skiing. Basically I felt that I was being lied to and suggested to them that there needs to be someone water skiing on the lake 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. I have more details in the letter I sent, you can click on the link above to view that.

The letter from City of Lake City.

Lake City's response:
April 4, 2005
Dear Mr. Stene:
Thank you for your letter regarding your suggestion for water skiing on Lake Pepin. I am forwarding your letter to our local chamber of commerce for their review.
Ron Johnson
City Administrator
Finally, the world can now be a better place due to the fact that Lake City has taken the steps necessary to listen and consider my great proposal.
For those of you who haven't seen Lake City, I have provided you with the following pictures that depict the city. These were taken on my way to the Twins home opener from a coach bus.

Picture of Lake Pepin on Friday, April 8, 2005 at 4:34 pm. There were not water skiiers present.

Evidence to their self proclaimed title of "Birthplace of Waterskiing"

Banners that line the streets of Lake City.

Part of a mural painted on the side of a building in downtown Lake City.

Now that I got a response I look forward to working with the great people that work for the City of Lake City to improve their town, and perhaps all of us.
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