Dude, what happened?
So many have been asking, what happened to Stick Figure Pirates & Flying Monkeys? Well just to reassure people, no I have not forgotten about the blog and no I do not intend on shutting it down, just simply haven't had sufficient resources to produce an entry. Resources such as:

Now I've tried to master the art of making my own coffee here in the dorm but a lot of attempts ended up like this:

But how could this be?! A person who has been enjoying coffee practically on a daily basis since his high school years couldn't make a decent pot of coffee to save his life?! This is what my coffee ended up tasting like:

SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: The consumption of diarrhea can be hazardous to your health.
So this has been the reason as to why there has not been anything new for the past 6 or 7 weeks, but there will be more to come very soon!
LAKE CITY WATERSKIING ISSUE UPDATE: I will be giving my persuasive speech for Intro to Public Speaking on the hot button Lake City Water Skiing Issue on October 25 or 27. Although this is not technically open to the public, I will however post my speech on here. You can view the original Lake City letter by clicking here. You can also view their response here. It's important to hold city governments accountable to their claims, and it's starts in Lake City, MN......
Here's a cool game I found!
Its about time you update this you spanker. What the hell have you been doing all this time? - I know -- leaving your fans depressed, deflated, and feeling empty without sufficient Stick Figure Pirates and Flying Monkeys. Don't let it happed again or I will Braveheart Longsword your rear end. Okay.
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