West Coast Family Member

Andrea's family representing the West Coast

Andrea's house had this wall that was left blank in their living room. I've always suggested that they painted a mural of their family photo and then add Tupac to it in order to represent the West Coast. I know that I'd want a mural of that in my future home. So I did them a favor and made a new family picture, and modeled it in this living room setting. Hopefully next time I visit there I'll see Tupac keeping it real with her family.
I've just discovered a new pet peeve the other day. You can add it to my list of pet peeves that I wrote in my entry called "Brain Stew." Here at P-L in order to print something from your computer you have to print it to the dorm printer, which is located in the front desk office of the hall. Then when your thing is printed they place it in a basket that sits on the counter, and then you can pick it up. Smooth and easy process right? WRONG! Now one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone decides to declare themselves the "print out police" and sit at the basket and go through every single piece of friggin paper! You can see your print out on the top of the pile they're holding in their hand, but no you can't get at it because they need to find some stupid paper in the big ass stack they thought they printed out but never did because they can't figure out Microsoft Word. Meanwhile you just want to get on with your life and take your International Relations notes with you but the "print out police" person decides to be cute and try to have a conversation with you. No, I don't feel like talking right now, I want my damn print out! If you live in P-L then this probably has happened to you before, and if you see someone being a print out police person, just walk up to them and say "PUT DOWN THOSE PAPERS! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PRINT, GO AWAY!"
Bushism: "I'm not a very good novelist. But it'd make a pretty interesting novel." -Austin, Texas; December 5, 2000
Today's Exciting But Mundane Activity Jared Did: Played with the new College Dem's button maker! That thing is so cool, plus Flynn makes cool noises that goes with it.
Link of the Day: Jared's High School Letters to Snoop Dogg
Back in high school I set the goal of joining Snoop Dogg's posse. So in order to achieve this I decided to start writing him letters. It's didn't work as plan. This is just one of my abandoned websites through out cyber space. Hopefully Stick Figure Pirates & Flying Monkeys won't join that club.
Reading on Hygrometer of Humidor: 75%
NOTE: Jared is going to be home this weekend, so SFP & FM might not be updated till sometime Monday. There may be something over the weekend, maybe not, who knows?! Depends how patient I am with a dial up connection.
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