Democrats: Best Ass on Campus

Club Fair Games at the Democrat booth. Far left, Find the WMD's in Iraq, Middle, Iraq's WMD's, Far right, Anti-Bush administration dart board. (click on picture for larger image)

Today the first annual winter Club Fair was held in the most desolate place in the entire Student Union building. I was there for the entire fair at the College Democrats booth and shared the Democrat's principles to a total of 4 people who visited the booth. It's a good thing our booth was near the hallway or else no one would of stopped by. Soon enough things got desperate at the club fair, it was to the point where we set up tables in the hallway to diverge what little traffic there was and force them to walk through the club fair. But that just pissed off people more when they would walked by really fast through their unwanted detour. The College Dem's booth was by far the best. We had "Find the WMD's in Iraq" game, where we stole sand from the beach volleyball court in P-L (my dorm hall) and put it in a small box with some spoons to dig through the sands of Iraq. Then people would find a small piece of yellow paper at the bottom of the box saying "Oops there are none." Then we set up my anti-Bush administration dart board which seemed to be popular as well. I also enjoyed noticing the College Republicans looking over at our booth every couple minutes and talking while gazing at the booth. "Maybe if we look at their booth and talk about them they won't notice or know we're Democrat bashing, damn dirty liberals" said the crazy College Republican.
You can look at pictures from the club fair and all four of the Democrat booth visitors at this link here: Make sure to click on Club Fair.
The Rick Howden '05 campaign is still under way and is starting to gather full steam and positive feed back from the flyers around campus which feature Rick with The Rat Pack (similar to the one in the SFP & FM entry 'The New Rat Pack'), and Rick fighting for the students at Rally Day '05 (the stupid picture one as Rick would like to refer to it as). You can visit the official campaign blog on the newly developed Links of Coolness side bar. I finally got my HTML skills back somewhat. Right now I am in the library or as I would like to call it "The Death Star of Knowledge." You can't make noise in here at all, or else they'll literally shoot you. Well maybe not shoot you, but you'll get embarrassed and either leave or urinate your pants.
Jared's Friday Agenda:
9:40 am- Wake up and frantically get ready for class
10:00 am- Intro to American Politics, start listening to man who sometimes makes a sad clown face during lectures that Ken and I laugh at
10:06 am- Zone out from lecture and think about what I'd be doing if I skipped American Politics, most definitely watch Price is Right
10: 45 am- Look around class room to find a blunt object to hit myself with because I can't listen anymore to this man, oh wait, he's done!
11:00 am - Comparative Political Systems, learn about the UK, actually pay attention because he doesn't make any sad clown faces
12:30 pm- Lunch with Brandon, participate in trash talk about future Madden game where I will be victorious
1:00 pm- Intro to International Relations with Dr. Cook, listen to him be sarcastic and try to fulfill my pledge I made to him on Wednesday where I will annoy him by asking "Is this going to be on the test?" constantly.
1:50 pm- FREEDOM
2:30 pm- MOCHA TIME!
3:00 pm- Start an evening of Madden playing, talking with drunk people and other unforeseen adventures, also look at myself in the mirror on progress to my Facial Hair Restoration project.
Today's Exciting but Mundane Activity Jared Did: Tape things to walls. Duck tape smells funny.
Bushism: "I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else, to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God."-Appearing on ABC's 20/20, Washington D.C., Jan. 14, 2005
Funny fact about the Bushisms: Each time I do a spell check on my entries for this blog, each time the word "Bushism" comes up, it is recommended that I replace it with the word fascism. Isn't that funny?!
Link of the Day: dumbest website ever created by man. Warning: Can cause dumbness, but great for pissing off hung over people.
Reading on Hygrometer on Humidor: Don't know, can't see it from the library.
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