I'm paranoid

The government spy sent to observe my actions and dwelling

Yesterday I was throwing darts at my anti- Bush administration magnetic dart board when I looked out the window and spotted this US Army sergeant who was standing on the smoking corner, having a smoke with a kid/ spying on my room. Yeah "smoking with a kid" like I believe that shit! They read my blog about my anti- Bush rants and sent someone to spy on me. The picture on the right is him "walking away" from the corner. If you notice though he has a note pad and is writing on it, he was writing his spy notes and observations. After seeing this act of espionage I called and deployed my stealth ninja force (Andrea in camo/make up mask) to obtain his notes before he went back to his base. Here's what Mr. Spy Man wrote:
- Suspect is currently displaying John Kerry campaign sticker in window, possible violation of Patriot Act.
- Suspect spotted me, proceeding to take pictures, another violation of some act written some where I'm sure of.
- Weezer rules
The other day in International Relations class, Dr. Cook explained where the Constitution and Declaration of Independence came from:
" ...so we all know that George Washington climbed up Mt. Rushmore and God gave him the Constitution in one hand and the Declaration of Independence in another hand and George came back down and gave them to the American people...."
I was the only one who laughed at this.
Today's Exciting but Mundane Activity Jared Did: Encountered Dr. Cook in Minne Hall while putting up campaign posters for Rick Howden '05 (http://rickwsu.blogspot.com) when he shared us his theory about Fox News. "I bet that if you take a kid who was raised by wolves, and then a kid who was raised watching nothing but Fox News, that the kid raised by wolves will have a better chance of making it than the kid raise by Fox."
Bushism: "I know there's a lot of young ladies who are growing up wondering whether or not they can be champs. And they see the championship teams from USC and University of Portland here, girls who worked hard to get to where they are, and they're wondering about the example they're setting. What is life choices about?" -Washington DC; February 23, 2003
Link of the Day: Bored? Want to watch some funny videos? iFilm's Best "Viral Videos" of 2004. I recommend the Nextel Dance Party commercial, Triumph Comic Insult Dog at Spin Ally, and White House West by Will Ferrel as Bush. http://www.ifilm.com/bigpicture/bestvirals2004
Hey, what do yo mean you were the only one to laugh at Cook's "George Washington" shpiel. I practically crapped my pants rolling in the aisle I was laughing so hard. Come on man, don't leave me out! Well, to settle this argument, we'll play Madden. Oh wait I don't have it - give me my gaul darn Madden game back you bugalar. Theft!! Oh and my controller too!! I know you are a clepto, I've seen that pepper you have. Who buys a huge container of Watkin's Pepper? - NOT JARED STENE - he finds other ways of coercing the pepper container to return to his room for a little midnight tango. Well not with my PS2 game, I want it back. If it is not returned in full, I will tell the world about your true love for Jared the Subway guy ("I lost 3 tons on the Subway diet, you can too") and your financial support of the Republican party ("Yee-haw, I saw an amardilla!") I'm watching you Jared Stene, I'm watching you.
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