Revolutionary Weekend

My chin is naked. May The Facial Hair Restoration Project begin!

The following takes place Saturday 8:11 PM, P-L Lobby-
Rick: So what are you going to do tonight Jared?
Jared: GOING TO START THE REVOLUTION! (picks up a chair and almost throws it across the room, then realizes he's making an ass of himself)
A weekend in the life of Jared.
The weekend started out with great news that Eyedea from Eyedea & Abilities is going to make a rare small room performance at a 18 plus show at Rascal's this Saturday night. I am about 85% sure that I will be in attendence to see one of the greatest underground MC's, plus he's from Minneapolis. When I hear their album "E & A" I am always reminded of Portz and Tran for some reason, probably because they rock. After dinner I went to Blue Heron for the routine mocha, this time Eva and Tara joined me which was fun. Later that Friday night I was schooled in the ways of Madden football by Brandon, but I will have my revenge soon. YOUR HAY DAY IS ALMOST OVER BRANDON, MARK MY WORDS!
The Saturday started like how every other Saturday starts, waking up at 12:40 pm and franticly showering and dressing so I won't miss brunch which gets done at 1 pm. Most of you are probably thinking this: Why doesn't he just get up and go in his pajamas? Well I can't, I must always shower after I get up, or else my entire ora for the day is thrown off. Example: The day I took the ACTs for the second time I was late and could not shower. Result: Only improving my score by one point. So it's a Jared thing. Then after brunch I spotted this month's winner of the Crazy Winonan of the Month award. When I see him next I am going to give to him his trophy that Spencer suggested giving, which is a hat made out of tin foil. After that I pretty much wasted the day and just chillaxed while avoiding beach volleyball. Some people were playing beach volleyball, and I thought since it was National Knee Dislocation Awareness Day and it was two years to the day I went down playing volleyball that maybe it wasn't a good idea to play. That evening I told Rick I was going to start "The Revolution" but I ended up going to Acoustic Cafe instead, which by the way is one of the offical coffee shops of The Jared Stene Coffee Growers Support (Donate today!). There was a group there called Soule, I enjoyed their sound very much. They sounded like the illigetament sex child of folk and 70's groove that featured two ladies doing crazy 1940's jig dancing. After Acoustic I returned to P-L and hung around intoxicated individuals. During this time Ocho the Great declared his political affiliations to the Constitutional Party and decided to start a blog after being inspired by this one that I am writing in now. You can check out his blog by click here:
Shaved my year and a half old chin beard. I am starting The Facial Hair Restoration Project. Brandon has always advised me to shave it off and then start a beard, so after being bored and looking at myself in the mirror I decided to go with it. I will periodically post evidence of my progress as time goes on. That was the weekend, I have re-scheduled the revolution for next Saturday, come join and help out in it! There will be punch and pie.
Today's Exciting But Mundane Activity Jared Did: Had a conversation about Valentine's Day with Sarah. The following was discussed over AIM:
Jared: so what are you doing for the evil day tomorrow?
Sarah: ehhhh i'm not so sure just class bball and probably a girls night full of food and chick flicks :)
Jared: i plan on slaughtering a kitten and sacrafice it to the anti-love gods
Bushism: "It was just inebriating what Midland was all about then." -From a 1994 interview, as quoted in First Son, by Bill Minutaglio
Link of the Day: Check out this Russian version of Barbie, one of the most bizzare toys ever.
Reading on Hygrometer for Humidor: 71%
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